Tuesday, October 10, 2017

*Knock knock* Is this thing on?

Hey... dusting off this old blog o' mine and going to see if I can post more often than once or twice a year. Mostly be talking about homeschooling, baby wrangling, a little bit of worldview, a little bit of self discovery. I dunno... Let's see where it takes us.

While you're here, I just want to give a shout-out to Homeschool Buyer's Co-op for always having the best deals on curriculum and online programs and services. My subscription to Homeschool Planet -- their online lesson planning/ gradekeeping software -- has absolutely helped me keep my 4 kid juggling act together. If you click on this link and sign up, I get SmartPoints and so do you! You get more SmartPoints with your first order. I'm not being paid to say this (except in SmartPoints). I genuinely dig the site and can see no reason for you not to join.